This week was interesting. Elder Sorenson and I had divisions with the President's Assistants. (I think that's how you say it in English...) It was awesome! I went to their area with Elder Lawson. He's from Colorado and is a really good missionary! I always like working with other people because there are little things that you can learn from everyone. He legitimately talked with EVERYONE that we saw. I usually pick and choose the people I decide to talk to based on if they are busy or if they look like they are ready to accept the message. But he really talked with everyone who would listen. And by doing that we actually found a whole lot of people who I wouldn't have guessed would be interested, but they really were. He told me something like this, "God gives the best references. If we show Him that He can trust us, He will put the people who are prepared right in front of us. We just gotta talk to them." Haha, I believe him!
We also had divisions with Elder Christiansen and Elder Alarcon from our district. I went to their area with Elder Christiansen. We talked with some recent converts, found a couple new people to teach, and had some really good lessons! One in particular I have no idea how it went well, God was watching over us. We started talking about the Book of Mormon, and we were just all over the place! Elder Christiansen started off explaining really simply and clearly, but then Josue, the father of the family, asked us if this was before or after Christ. So then we started explaining, and it went something like this...
"Well you see, it started off about 400 years before Christ about the time of Jeremiah, in the land of Jerusalem, but then God told this other prophet that you've never heard of, Lehi and his family that they needed to leave, so then they built a boat and crossed the ocean and came here to the Promised Land, and because God loves all of his children he spoke to other prophets here just like in Jerusalem, but then Christ died in Jerusalem, and then he showed up in America too, and he organized his church here just like he did over there, but then because the Lamanites were wicked and the Nephites were too, they were all destroyed. Oh, by the way, they are called Lamanites and Nephites because the prophet Lehi, remember him? Well yeah, he had a lot of sons and some were wicked and some were righteous...never mind. But then the prophet Moroni, who was the son of Mormon... that's why it's called the Book of Mormon...anyway Moroni buried the plates of gold in the ground, oh by the way, all the prophets wrote on gold plates...anyway and then about fourteen hundred years later Joseph Smith had a vision of Moroni and he told him where he buried the gold plates, and then three years later by the power of God Joseph Smith translated the book into English, and that's why the church is true!!!!!! Any questions?"
Haha, it was like we were just throwing up a ton of information that really wasn't important for him to learn all at once... but somehow the spirit was still there and touched his heart. We really witnessed that the Lord is there to help us out, as long as we are trying our best... even if our best is terrible! (:
The church is true. Even when the missionaries give terrible lessons! The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Read it! And tell your friends to read it! They might think you're weird now, but when you are both talking about it in the Celestial Kingdom they will be so grateful.
I'm glad you are doing so well! Have fun in California! I love you all!
-Elder Smith
We hiked a mountain in our area one day!! It was awesome, but we took the hardest way up EVER!!
We worked at a construction site for service one day. They are building a new chapel. Should be done in July. It was awesome!!